USA Today Bestseller!

So, THE HIDEAWAY had a bit of a good week last week! Wednesday I learned that the book made it on to the Top 20 Most Sold list on Amazon, coming in at #17. This on its own was exciting enough. 


THEN, oh but then, on Thursday, I returned home from dropping my kids off at school, started scrambling eggs for breakfast, and saw an email from my friends at Thomas Nelson informing me that THE HIDEAWAY debuted at #39 on the USA Today bestseller list!

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I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I sobbed over my plate of scrambled eggs. My brain was total mush for the rest of the day. It’s crazy that we keep getting good news about the book–making it onto these lists, seeing numbers continue to rise, etc. But honestly, the best part of it is that daily, I’m receiving email messages from readers telling me how much they enjoyed the book. Those messages are so precious, and I’ve saved every single one in an email folder. I plan to pull them back out and read them on difficult writing days or when a particularly stinging negative review comes in. So THANK YOU to all of you who’ve read the book and THANK YOU for spreading the word to your friends and family. I love knowing Mags and Sara (William and Crawford, Dot and Bert, Glory and Major, and of course Allyn) are having such an effect on readers. 

**Sidenote: The eBook was on sale for $1.99 for all of August, BUT in case you missed out or know of someone else who did, the sale has been extended for all of September! Please spread the word to your book-loving friends. Here’s a link to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks.


I just finished reading an advance copy of Billy Coffey’s STEAL AWAY HOME. 


I loved this book. Here’s my review of it: During the course of one fateful night–his first game in the Major League–Billy Coffey’s main character, Paul Cross, is confronted by his childhood love, aspirations, and regrets. Baseball fans will love the behind-the-scenes peek into a night game in the Major Leagues, but even non-baseball fans will be pulled into the beauty and tension of Coffey’s writing, the lovely and tragic Blue Ridge Mountain settings, and his compelling characters who make both selfless and heartbreaking choices. This is a powerful story of grief, love, forgiveness, and holy mystery, and I loved it. Billy Coffey is a master storyteller. 

Next, I’m reading Patti Callahan Henry’s THE BOOKSHOP AT WATER’S END, Emily Beck Cogburn’s AVA’S PLACE, and Johnnie Bernhard’s A GOOD GIRL. The four of us are going to be on a panel at the Louisiana Book Festival at the end of October. 


I’ve started going through my rough draft of book 3 (which I’m tentatively calling Glory Road). I’m about 5 chapters in and relieved that I still like the story! I think the three women in this story will resonate with readers and fans of Sara and Mags, as well as fans of Betsy and Jenna, the main characters in next April’s HURRICANE SEASON. Right now, I’m trying to parcel out my day to include a decent chunk of writing/revising, reading, and “adulting” i.e., keeping the laundry from overtaking the house, making sure dinner gets on the table, making sure Kate does her 20 minutes of reading a day and keeping Sela from bringing cicadas inside the house. 

Speaking of HURRICANE SEASON, I just received the designed pages of the book and I have my last chance to read through and catch any last hiccups before production begins! So exciting. I can’t wait to get this book out to everyone. I love it. 

Hope y’all are well and finding time to do things you enjoy. And if any of you are in Florida, please be safe and careful. 



  1. Danielle on September 7, 2017 at 8:44 pm

    I am so eager for April so I can get my hands on your new one!!!! I absolutely loved The Hideaway (I was lucky enough to get an ARC) and I have recommended it to so many people. I’m thrilled to see all of this success and happiness happening for you!

    • Lauren Denton on September 8, 2017 at 2:13 pm

      Success for authors always depends on people like YOU reading and spreading the word so THANK YOU Danielle!!

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