I’m Still Here!

Friends! Hello from Birmingham! It’s been a minute since I’ve posted here on the blog, and I’m sorry for that. **I’m going to take a quick minute to suggest you follow me on either Instagram or Facebook—I update those much more regularly than this blog, although I do want to keep you updated here as…

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*GIVEAWAY ALERT!* My Favorite Christmassy Things!

********Giveaway of GLORY ROAD advance copy is CLOSED—the WINNER is Erin, who was the very last to comment! Erin, please send your mailing address to Lauren(at)LaurenKDenton.com. Congrats!! And thank you to all those who left comments—boy, some of you have had some wild Christmas experiences! Thank you for sharing such sweet and funny stories. Merry…

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GLORY ROAD, a giveaway, and other odds and ends

Friends! Hello! It’s been tooooo long since I’ve updated this poor blog and I’m sorry! I have random bits of news, so I’ll start with the biggest (for me, anyway!)… My next novel, GLORY ROAD, is coming sooooon! It releases March 19, 2019, and I’m so very excited to get it in all of your…

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Hi friends!  Lots of things are happening these days in my book/writing world, so I thought I’d give a little update. The Hideaway This continues to be the little book that could! Bookpage called it a “word-of-mouth surprise hit,” which means so much to me because it shows people are continuing to read it and…

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USA Today Bestseller!

So, THE HIDEAWAY had a bit of a good week last week! Wednesday I learned that the book made it on to the Top 20 Most Sold list on Amazon, coming in at #17. This on its own was exciting enough.  THEN, oh but then, on Thursday, I returned home from dropping my kids off at…

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Back to School (aka the most bittersweet day of the year)

Hi friends! It’s been a while. First, a little housekeeping: It feels pretty self-serving to direct you to my Facebook page, but since you’re here to see what’s going on in my world, I guess it’s not too much of a stretch to think you might be interested to know I post more frequently (but…

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End of the Year Round-up

Here in Birmingham, we are sitting at about 50 degrees outside, but word is tonight an arctic front is blowing though, plunging us into the 20s. As a certifiable “cold person,” I’m already cold just thinking about those temps. In fact, I’m pretty darn cold here in the 50s, so there may be no hope…

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Odds and Ends

It’s morning and the house is momentarily calm. Granted, everyone in the house is looking at a screen–the girls are sharing a Launchpad (but they’re SHARING it!); Matt is catching up on a show on the computer downstairs, earbuds in place; and I’m upstairs in my cozy bed. I just started a cute new book…

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Going to try something new…

I used to read a lot of blogs. I mean, A LOT. It was back when I worked full-time, and now that I think about it, it’s kind of funny to me that I had WAY more time to read blogs when I had a full-time job than when I lost my job and came…

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