Hi all!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my blog! The reasons are many and varied, but the main hold-up has been spring/end-of-school madness coupled with first-round edits on book three, which now has an official title of GLORY ROAD. (I’m tickled to say it’s MY title! I’m three for three on choosing titles!)

How about a little photographic recap of the last several months….

Our Birmingham launch party for HURRICANE SEASON was a blast, and again I was amazed by the sweet support of our family and friends who came to celebrate with us. 

Our launch party for HURRICANE SEASON was a blast, and again I was amazed by the sweet support of our family and friends who came to celebrate with us. 

Our launch party for HURRICANE SEASON was a blast, and again I was amazed by the sweet support of our family and friends who came to celebrate with us. 

My brother and sister-in-law on the left and my adorable editor extraordinaire on the right.

My brother and sister-in-law on the left and my adorable editor extraordinaire on the right.

My sweet parents and my partner-in-crime and travel companion Anna on the left.

My sweet parents and my partner-in-crime and travel companion Anna on the left.

My daughters' sweet teachers came to the party!

My daughters’ sweet teachers came to the party!

My sweet and proud husband.

My sweet and proud husband.

I’ve had a few book signings too. I chatted with author Kristy Woodson Harvey at Foxtale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA, and with author Emily Carpenter at The Book Exchange in Marietta, GA. 



We’ve had some kid stuff going on too…

Sela the sassy narwhal. (The narwhal is the unicorn of the sea.)

Sela the sassy narwhal. (The narwhal is the unicorn of the sea.)

Sela's dance recital. 

Sela’s dance recital. 

After Kate's end-of-the-year jazz performance. 

After Kate’s end-of-the-year jazz performance. 

Lastly, we had a second launch party for HURRICANE SEASON in Mobile. Lots of friends and family there to help of celebrate! 

Kate loved helping the booksellers! She handed out bookmarks and added lots of cuteness.

Kate loved helping the booksellers! She handed out bookmarks and added lots of cuteness.



I’ve also met with some amazing book clubs! 





Whew. So, you know, not much going on at all 😉 It’s been a lot of fun though. I love meeting with book clubs and book groups–book people are definitely my people! And it’s been a fun season of life with our girls too. They’re getting older, which brings with it a measure of sadness because of the passage of time, but it’s wonderful too–we can do more with them and they’re enjoying each other a lot too. (As soon as I say that, sibling rivalry will kick back into high gear, I’m sure, but for now we’re enjoying the laughter and friendship!)

I always like to tell you what I’m reading, and right now I’m reading this book that’s totally obscure and I’m sure none of you have heard of it…..

Just kidding–it’s Anne of Green Gables! I’ve never read it and I’m LOVING it! What a spunky and clever and hilarious girl. 

Nothing! And I admit, it’s kind of nice. I’m currently working on first round edits for GLORY ROAD. I’d planned to have them finished by tomorrow when the kids get out of school, but I don’t think I’m going to quite make it. I’m very close though. And as usual, I’m enjoying the editing process. Having a fresh set of eyes on my words (those of my wonderful editor Kim) has made the story even sharper and more alive. I can’t wait for this one to release! It comes out in February. 

I’m thinking about my next book, of course, but I probably won’t give it serious thought until a little later in the summer. The short 10 or so weeks of summer flies by and I want to enjoy it with my kids and catch up on as much reading as possible. (I do have a couple of ideas I’m batting around…)

I hope you all have a nice start to the summer–even if it’s not official summer, it’s the start of the school summer, and that counts for me!


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