Posts Tagged ‘The Friday 5’
The Friday 5: Books, Josh Ritter (again), and scrambled eggs
1. As I’ve said above in my “About” section (#9 to be specific), I am generally a bad scrambled egg maker. As my husband likes to say, I tend to leave about whole egg stuck to the bottom of the skillet, and when I’m only cooking two eggs, that’s a problem. Enter The Green Pan.…
Read MoreFriday 5: Books, Pizza, & Gloria Steinem
1. Hoover Library’s Southern Voices book/writing festival is this weekend. It’s a dream for writers and book lovers. I’m excited about all the authors, because even if I’m not familiar with their books, they are always great speakers who talk about their books and writing processes in ways that interest and engage both writers…
Read MoreFriday 5, Back Again
12715464_10153759488215783_7498680647124036942_n 1. I love library book sales. And by that, I mean I get excited weeks ahead and make sure I have some child-free time to go, because I love my little ones, but when I’m serious about buying books, I can’t have arms and legs pulling on me saying they need to go to…
Read MoreThe Friday 5
josh-ritter-the-royal-city-band-tickets_01-20-16_17_56017fed1a1d7 1. Matt and I have been waiting for Josh Ritter to come back to Birmingham and he’s finally coming!! It’s not until May, but the wait will be worth it. His recent album, Sermon on the Rocks (album art above), is awesome. If you don’t know who he is, check him out. His live…
Read MoreThe Friday 5
1. First things first. Unbelievable, shocking, knee-weakening, heavens-opening-up-and-shining-down news hit us out of the blue yesterday. We all cried tears of disbelief and relief and thankfulness. As my mom said, the English language doesn’t have enough words to explain how we feel. “Thankful” falls pitifully short. FullSizeRender That above is my mom. This is how…
Read MoreThe Friday 5: Blurbs, Books, and back to regular life
The kids went back to school this week–woohoo! It was a “short” week, meaning four days of school instead of five (and two instead of three for my preschooler) but the parental readjustment to making lunches and getting myself dressed before 8 more than made up for whatever shortness the school people intended. I have…
Read MoreFriday 5: Random Assortment, but not a resolution to be found
jacket 1. Several years ago, I officially deemed myself a “cold person.” I’m mostly cold from mid-October through the end of March, regardless of how many layers I wear, how much hot tea I drink, how many blankets I pile on myself. To add to the coldness, I’ve never found a jacket that really keeps…
Read MoreThe Friday Five: Tim Riggins, Twinkle Lights, & Inventing Confidence
If asked what my biggest fear is, I’d have three—the dark (which is probably just a fear of what goes bump in the night when all the lights are off), roaches (don’t even get me started), and public speaking. This last one is a biggie, but fortunately, it’s not one that affects me all too…
Read MoreParenting, zombies, and cussing: The Friday Five (on Saturday!)
*This Friday Five installment is brought to you on Saturday because of the utter craziness of my Friday. 1. Y’all, parenting feels like a battle these days. Yes, good is mixed in too, but with a 6 year old who is learning to be quite sassy and a 3 year old who loves both her…
Read MoreThe Inaugural Edition of The Friday Five!
And without much ado at all, I give you the very first edition of The Friday Five, in which I tell you about five things I like, don’t like, am obsessing over, think you should look into, think you should avoid, want to know more about, wish I’d never heard about, or generally think are…
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